Why Quora is the Most Biased and Racist Site Online
Five months ago, I joined the Quora site after I spotted some information being posted which, to me, seemed a little ‘off’ in terms of accuracy. The post was pertaining to the ‘Origins of Haplogroup E1b1b’’. One particular commenter made an attack on ‘Afrocentricism’ before giving his answer, which somehow struck me as having an ‘agenda’. Opposers of ‘Afrocentricism’ will probably not give a cahoots, however, a debate is simply a debate and should be taken lightheartedly, as no one really knows the ‘truth’. I gave my answers based on my knowledge which seemed to not sit well with many Quora users.
It’s interesting that Quora claims to be a neutral site that aims to provide ‘accuracy’ in its information - provided by experts who want to assist others looking for ‘answers’. However, to give an academic response to any question, you must approach it from a neutral and professional stance and back it up with reputable sources rather than letting off steam against a certain group of people first.How Quora Algorithms Work
I won’t deny that the post made by the commenter ‘triggered’ response from me. Having studied a BA in African History, and a Phd in International Relations, I had some pretty darn good answers. I proceeded to write my own answer, which was quite lengthy, which further triggered it to reach the number one spot. In fact, almost all my responses on Quora hit number one within a few weeks of posting. You are all probably wondering how I did it? First, let me give a brief background about me - Although I have an Honors Degree in African History, I am actually an SEO Analyst which probably seems like a major diversion from what I studied. Nonetheless, I have been an SEO Analyst for almost a decade, so I know how algorithms work and Quora responses are based on algorithmic work. Quora users often assume that the number of ‘upvotes’ you receive is what gets you that top spot. Although it helps, it’s more a case of how rich your content is and how well your posts are referenced. The higher the number of links and images you place on your posts, the higher they get. Referencing simply means that you are supporting your argument with data - not just making claims that can’t be backed up. Now, let me tell you my posts were some of the most referenced on all the debates I took part in. I believe that this is what led to my ban - the Quora moderators were vehemently against me posting and proceeded in banning me. Here is an exact post I made on Quora which I have been collapsed which I have now placed on my blog - ‘’What are the Origins of E1b1b?’’ If you find this question on Quora, you will see that my answer is still there but has been collapsed.Are Quora Moderators Biased?
My answer to this is YES. Can I back up this claim? Yes. Take a look at the image below. Most of my posts were banned on the basis that I plagiarised content - which is the 4th on the list. In other words, they claim that I did not back up my content with ‘links and references’.Now take a look at a part of the post I wrote - if anything, my comment is the most referenced post on that thread. That comment has over 20 links referenced - remember I an an SEO analyst.
Is Quora An Honest Company?
After my ban, I did some investigative work and found out that 90% of Quora users do not reference their images. Pretty much all the images used on Quora are plagiarised. Nobody can convince me that my ban was due to plagiarism more than it was due to the Quora moderators not liking my ‘Afrocentric’ responses. In fact, I did further investigative work and realized that half of the question asked on Quora about race and ethnicity or the spam-like questions that persist about ‘’Ancient Egypt being black’’ is not even asked by black people but by people employed by Quora to persistently ask and answer questions to trigger responses. Take a look at this account, for example. Take a look at the below. This user has asked over 1000 questions - which he then proceeds to answer the question himself :-D.Lol…he is quite an amusing guy.Is Quora Racist?
I wouldn’t say that every moderator in Quora is biased or racist, but I believe that my posts did not sit well with certain members that have connections with the moderators. They vehemently attacked my posts - the number of times my comments were targeted was crazy. I had to appeal over ten times in just one week. I knew it was coming anyway, so I wasn’t too attached to the site. The good news is that as an SEO Analyst, I can work my magic on my own blog to target some of those politically motivated answers given on Quora. ;-)What Others Say About Quora’s bias
‘’Quora is like CNN..hateful,full of lies,fabricated claims,false accusations slandering anyone who disagree with leftists and most importantly this trash site run by liberal nutjobs who present emotions as facts. they are incredibly high on censoring everyone who dare to challenge leftists on their lies. just three comments against them and booom they ban your account permanently. Quora moderators act like thought police from 1984. a moderators job is to keep things balanced and mutual between 2 sides not censoring,banning one while giving free pass to another to say whatever they want no matter how wrong or abusive it is. this is Orwellian future of America if we just sit here and don't do anything about these silicon valley giants. now let me rant here i am indian and i agree that this site ruined by indians specially indian girls who are not only stupid but biggest hypocrites in the world. For example: do you think india need feminism? answer by Indian women; india need feminism because indian women are afraid to buy condoms from medical stores. 8K upvotes and 3K shares by stupid indian women and indian simps. lol you can see them endlessly whining about india,Hinduism,indian men like they are living in some kind of Guantanamo prison in india. none of them mention anything about numerous female privileges they are enjoying in india like free education from kindergarten to PhD only and only for girls not boys.reservations for women in transport to education institutes to parliament . they write long boring answers after answers on "we want Equality" but dont want equality where women have advantage over men like dating and laws.they cry about rapes but none of them speak anything about false rape accusations which are more than 50% according to indian supreme court. they deliberately initiate fights with anyone who criticize feminism and then hide behind BNBR to "win" arguments. they know they have a free pass to abuse men because they belongs to "oppressed group" and its okay for them to talk trash about men but god forbid if someone use BNBR against them they cry "i am poor oppressed victim of misogyny". trust me 90% of indian girls on quora are like that. i would like to mention about this particular girl who is also a moderator at q/mensrights space.she never post anything related to mens issues but the same feminist crap like sexism,patriarchy,toxic msaculinity etc on space created for addressing mens issue!! this is an prime example of why MRAs failed because they allow women in their movement and dig their own grave. and when i call out her on her hypocrisy she throws usual feminist buzzwordsat me like misogynist sexist troll male chauvinist and incel.i mean you call yourself Anti feminist but you are using feminist shaming tactics on men then what the hell you are doing at q/mensrights? whats the difference between you and man hating feminists? just stay away from this garbage website..its full of misandry,double standards, leftists virtue signaling,hate towards men and conservatives, anti Christian,Hinduism but pro Islam and Judaism. just block this crap website.’’ ‘’I just finished reading an "opinion" on Borderline Personality Disorder. Downright dangerous and disgusting. A blanketed and narrow minded, bigoted point of view on what is a very serious and real mental illness. I am actually appalled that this site is allowed to get away with publishing such a dangerous and one sided dialogue. Clearly the perspective of a personwho has been in a partnership/friendship with someone who has this illness and got burned. Boo Hoo.Perhaps the relationship ended because the writer was such an incredible tosser! As a person who actually has this illness, and has fought it most of their life, I can tell you, reading this was quite distressing. So basically I am someone who feels hated, and should not bother to ever have a relationship because I am just a manipulative and self absorbed cow, it will just always end the same way? I guess my "opinion" here of basically an intolerant and narrow minded person is unwarranted? What a shameful and stupid site this is. Proof of why social media is and will be the downfall of society.’’ ''This company is EXTREMELY limiting on what you can and can not say. They will flag your post, delete your thoughtful legitimate answers and don't have your back. They don't respect experts or their recommended links. They question your integrity, call you spam, and don't respect you as an individual or your experience.’’
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